Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Weird psychology

For some reason or other, whenever I'm awake when others are awake, I have this subconscious urge to do stuff, to be productive, or at the very least active, even when I want to take time to myself, so that even if I decide to sit back and watch some TV or something like that, I still feel crappy for not doing much. But once everyone else is asleep, I finally feel like it's my own time. For some reason the night's more peaceful - when others are up, alone time is dreary, but when no one else is up, alone time is solitude. The fewer people there are awake, the less bustling the environment is. It seems completely understandable and normal to me, and at the same time it seems so fundamentally flawed. It doesn't make any sense that the night time should be the only time when I feel like I can be still. God made the entire day for me, why should only the night be mine?

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