Friday, January 26, 2007

Hot Chocolate

What to do on a cold, rainy Friday like today:

Take out a mug and some hot chocolate powder:

Boil some hot water using your roomate's mini kettle, pour a bit in and make a paste (my friend says the texture ends up better like this) :

Fill it up with water and dunk a wedge of dark chocolate in just to see what it tastes like:

Honestly, I don't know if the wedge of dark chocolate did anything to enhance the taste but it still tastes pretty good, and it's quite nice knowing there's a piece of melted dark chocolate in it!

Now to do some IHUM reading and stay indoors while outside it's dristling and cold. :)

1 comment:

Yinks said...

YOU KNOW, I made my FIRST cup of Milo (in my entire life) on Friday & it tasted like CRAP. I think it was because I put too much water, not enough powder, & no condensed milk. Gggrrrrooooossss.