Thursday, January 11, 2007

Back at Stanford

Hey everybardee! You can probably tell I'm not very creative with my blog entry titles. But it's ok. As long as they're informative.

Flew back to Stanford and arrived on Saturday morning 11am. Feels good to be back although I was quite jet lagged for the first two days (woke up at 6:30am on Sunday and 7:30am on Mon, a far cry from my usual 11am or 12nn) and missed home a fair bit more this time. The weather here's gotten significantly colder. I'm actually thinking of putting on my gloves while I bike even in the daytime - last quarter I only did it sometimes at night. The weather has been fantastic otherwise - no rain so far, and plenty of clear blue skies and nice bright sunshine.

School started on Tuesday. At the moment I've signed up for a course called Ancient Empires for IHUM (it continues into the Spring Quarter too so it's a 2-quarter long course - IHUM is compulsory for freshmen but you get to choose your preferences of IHUM courses), Econ 1A which is introductory Economics part 1 (they won't let me skip it even though I have my A Level cert in Econs) and Music Theory. That's 14 units. Almost everything else I'm interested in taking is either too many units for my liking or clashes with my schedule. I wanted to take voice lessons which would be another 1-2 units but the voice instructors don't have space, and the other alternative, group voice lessons, clashes with my current schedule.

IHUM seems to be interesting. I've attended the first lecture already - the Prof is this British guy who talks quite fast and quite eloquently and is really funny in the dry British kinda way. So it should be an interesting quarter. ;) Oh and as a side note, my IHUM lecture and discussion section locations are EXACTLY the same as last quarter's!! There's a really low chance of that happening - there's about 8-9 different IHUMs which means 8-9 different locations, and each IHUM has maybe about 12-15 sections. So it's quite a coincidence. Kinda caught my attention - maybe God's trying to tell me something. ;) Praying about it, don't have an answer yet.

Also praying about church. Wanna settle down in one church family real soon. On that note, for my CHC friends: Ps Phil Pringle's coming to CCC San Fran!! Cool huh. ;) I'm really hoping I'll catch him! I have every intention to go visit CCC that weekend even if God calls me to another church. Like i'll try to find an alternative service that doesn't clash with my own or something.

Tomorrow I'm going down with The Mendicants to Southern California (a.k.a. SoCal). We'll be heading to my friend's house in Irvine which is near LA, spending a couple of days in the LA area and then go to San Diego for a day trip before heading back on Monday which is a public holiday here (Martin Luther King Jr Day). We're leaving tmr (thu) evening so we'll skip Fri classes but it shouldn't be too big a loss cos I only have two classes on Friday, out of which one's an Econ section where they're doing an Econ experiment kinda thing so I won't miss out on any teaching.

Shaowei and Ai Lin are flying to Nigeria right now, and Shaowei was kind enough to let me use his car. :D Thanx Shaowei!! I drove it down to San Jose today to buy tickets for a Chris Tomlin concert on Jan 28th. Looking forward to it. =) Also using his car to go down to SoCal which is quite a blessing, not just for me but for the whole group since we were short of one car before. I'll try to post pictures from the trip as soon as I can.

For now, I gotta finish packing (almost done) and get organized (room's a mess right now) and get some IHUM reading done for tmr's lecture. It's already 1:15am so I think I'd better go. Miss everyone back in Singapore! God bless everyone who reads this! =)

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