Monday, March 05, 2007


IHUM paper due tomorrow. 1800 - 2400 words, approx 6-8 pages double-spaced. I'm at 2200 words right now but I still have to come up with a good ending conclusion and vet my entire paper through at least once. I don't feel like this paper is very power packed or anything, just that it's got a lot of details in it which is why I've managed to pull it to 2200 words already. Well, praise God for helping me to finish it in time!

So I'm taking a short 10 mins study break to update this. A friend from Singapore, James, stayed over the past few nights in my room - he slept on a foam mattress on the floor in my tiny room. Actually I know him because his sister is a good friend of mine (xmmp don't you start getting farni ideas) from piano school, I've known her probably for 10 years now if not more - I only met James when he came to visit Stanford on Thursday. He's a real nice guy, I'm glad we could get along pretty well. He's also pretty independent - he actually went to crash a couple of classes and explore San Francisco by himself while I was doing other stuff - I was quite impressed. He'd already been in the US for about 2 weeks looking at a few universities. He seems to like Stanford. ;)

That's James on Saturday night using my computer to figure out where to go in San Fran and writing down all the details like where to go, bus routes and times etc. I hope he doesn't mind my using his photo on my publicly accessible blog. :)

Both of us were also very blessed that Ai Lin let me use her car while she was in LA with Shaowei for a prophetic conference (I say "both of us" 'cos that meant that I could drive him around and show him stuff). Overall we had a pretty good time together. The weather was simply gorgeous on Saturday and Sunday - almost like summer actually. I could actually walk around in the daytime in a t-shirt and jeans, without a jacket. It's a really sudden change in weather from the previous week... Looks like Spring's coming back soon! I hope. If it starts getting cold and rainy again then the weather's really getting schizophrenic. So he was very blessed to come this particular weekend. He said he had a fantastic time using my bike to cycle around campus, it's really pretty, and he even discovered stuff I didn't know about like a stable that we apparently have relatively near my dorm. :P Anyway he left this morning (Monday). I must say I'm quite thankful he made my weekend quite fun!

On a separate note (do mi so...), I just got a new set of speakers! Ordered them from about 2.5-3 weeks ago and they came last wed, just before James came. They were a pretty good deal, especially because there's a $50 mail-in rebate from Creative, plus I had $35 in vouchers from taking part in a couple of communications experiments on campus, plus shipping was free, so in the end I only paid $35 for them. Check them out! -

Box in a box:

After unpacking:

And after set-up (subwoofer's at the bottom of the pic):

Overall I'm pretty happy with the sound. I've heard better, but not from PC speakers. They're relatively clear and the subwoofer adds a significant amount of depth to the songs I play. =)

Ok I think it's been more than 10 mins. Back to my paper. God bless!


Anonymous said...

oh! thanks for being so kind to my brother!! i'm so glad i have you as a friend. it was really nice reading about his visit on your blog and seeing his face in the picture, hehe.
gd luck for your paper! (nice speakers too, btw...)

(oh... i think we've known each other since we were 6 or 7 right... i think we started grade 1 when we were in primary 1... that's like 14+ years i think? thinking about vdms, i wonder where everyone else is...)

angie said...

wow, your speakers look really pretty! :D