Thursday, June 14, 2007

DONE!! (Already?!?!)

A whole year has passed by?? Apparently. Doesn't quite feel that long and yet it does at the same time. It's pretty strange. I remember moving in not too long ago and I don't feel like I've been here very long, yet the day I moved in is also in a distant memory that's becoming more and more cloudy. Quite a strange feeling. It only began to hit me yesterday morning that this is the end of a year when I sent Awa to the airport. So weird to think that people are going home...

Anyway, I'm done with finals!!! YAHOO!!! finished my last final on Monday night, now I'm busy packing. Room is a disaster zone 'cos my roommate and I are both packing up at the same time and the room is really too small for two people to be packing up separately.

Some boxes in the hallway: the two brown boxes nearest the camera are mine, as are the lamp and blue cushion thing on the chair. My Singaporean friends may recognize the Mighty Minds map of Singapore that's at the top of the box nearest the camera. ;)

My room from the outside...

Wanna see the mess? Come on in!

Gonna move some stuff to a friend's place that he's renting over the summer - we were loading up the car yesterday, it's so full of stuff now it's ridiculous. We even have a small lamp in the glove compartment. haha... Anyway I'm waiting for him to get ready (we planned to wake up at 10am but I woke up at 10:30am and he was still asleep). Should be leaving soon...


Glen Davis said...

It does my heart good to see you so disorganized. I know the situation is temporary, but it's nice to remember that you're mortal like the rest of us. ;)

And thanks for giving Awa a ride to the airport!

angie said...

haha its really quite a mess... though it bears a striking resemblence to my room on a normal day.... ;) and yes, who can forget the mighty minds map of singapore? ;)