Friday, June 01, 2007

Photos of Things that are White

Well ok. One thing that's white. :)

From the rear

Side view

Front view

The front seats (hooray for manual transmission!)

A nifty little thing they designed into the car - a pen-holder. You never know when you'll need one.

Since getting it this afternoon I've already driven it something like 60 miles. It's been fun. Still getting used to the car though - the biting point of the clutch is a little high, still trying to shift my gears smoothly (the car still jerks almost every time I go from 1st to 2nd) and the driver's position is such that when I park I have a tendency to overestimate the amount of space I need to leave on my side (the left). It's a smooth engine though, and really good, precise steering, stable suspension and just nice overall. :) Oh and for my uninitiated Singaporean friends, you may have noticed that there's no license plate, just a blue sheet of paper. Yes, you can drive a car without a license plate here. I think they'll mail me my license plate in a couple of weeks or something. So effectively, if you have insurance, you can drive the car off the dealer's lot the moment you buy it (which some people do). I, on the other hand, had to get insurance so I left the car with the dealer 'til today.

Strangely though, I will miss depending on Ai Lin for transportation. Lisa too. Although I don't hitch rides from Lisa nearly as much as I do from Ai Lin. I know it's just a car, but transport's a big lifestyle-determining factor here so the dynamics of my life are gonna change somewhat. Transportation used to be a practical reason for us to travel together. I guess it still is though - if we need to go anywhere we'll probably still take one car. I'm pretty sure I'll miss Ai Lin next year when she's gone though. :)

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