Sunday, February 11, 2007


This was taken sometime last week during a friend's performance with Taiko, a Japanese drum group on campus. The group's really good!! Very nice beats and very professionally performed.

That's Michelle in the Taiko outfit. We just celebrated her birthday today - went ice skating and then went for dinner. Lisa was very generous to lend me her car to help ferry people.

Other folks from left: Me, Ricky, Michael, Michelle, Julie, Sandra, Hong-An, Alex, Peter, and (in front) Anh on the left of the picture and Ozzie pointing at Michelle. Everyone there's from West Lag (short for Lagunita), my dorm complex. =)

It's gonna be such a tiring week with Valentine's Day on wed. But praise God for a holiday next monday. I wonder what I should do. One option is to go skiing at Lake Tahoe with Pearline. Or I could just stick around campus, relax and spend some time with God. Dunno yet. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lake Tahoe is beautiful! And super big...!! I took my hot air balloon ride there! But i went during summer so can really see the clear blue lake which goes so well with the snow-capped mountains!