Friday, September 29, 2006

1st week of sch's over!!

I made thru the first week of classes! Hallelujah! haha...

Thinking I may drop the MS&E course. Don't wanna take on too many things. Had my first IHUM section yesterday, it's really quite a small discussion section (abt 15 ppl). And class participation is an important part of the grade, and I'm naturally not a very loud-spoken person (if there's even such a term).

Update on what we Singaporeans call 'CCAs' (*grinz*): I got into University Singers, and was asked back for callbacks for Chamber Chorale. I attended the first rehearsal of the University Singers, and the callback audition for Chamber Chorale where we learned a choral piece together and sang that piece in different groups within each section. Was really happy to be asked back for callbacks but I realised a lot of my choral technique is gone after having not sung in choirs for 2.5 years and in the first place a lot of the other ppl there have much better voices than me. Anyway I didn't get into Chamber Chorale, and I'm thinking University Singers may not be the place for me, simply because of the type of repertoire. I'd enjoy it, but more like a pastime than anything I'm really passionate abt.

So that leaves The Mendicants, the a cappella group I auditioned for. Went for the callbacks tonight. It was really quite fun, they're a really wacky fun bunch of guys and I think I'd really enjoy singing with them. So I'm praying I get in. It'd also be an amazing opportunity to sing with an established college acappella group with years of experience: the first batch of mendicants was established in like 1960 or smtg like that. And they go on tours and make CDs and stuff. So it'd be awesome experience, besides the performance experience which wld be priceless of course. Well, I've done my best so I'll leave it in God's hands. =)

Tmr is Scavenger Hunt at San Francisco. The whole bunch of freshies are going to San Fran for a day-long city-wide Scavenger Hunt. Whee! Gonna be exhausted tmr.

One last thing before I go: here's a picture of a bunch of ppl from my dorm and the neighbouring dorms:

We were hiding in my room (more ppl came later) cos it was the birthday of one of the guys in the next door room, Othman (or Ozzie for short). And apparently Stanford tradition is that if it's the guy's birthday, u throw him into the shower (thank God my bday's in summer hols!). So some guys got the shower going and Ozzie's roomate knocked on the door. When he opened we barged in, two ppl carried Ozzie into the bathroom and into the shower and we started singing 'happy birthday'. =) The guy with the long hair and the bandana is my roomate. Doesn't look like Orlando Bloom now. In the Stanford yearbook for Frosh which has pictures in it, He doesn't have glasses and his hair's longer and tied back so he looks more like orlando bloom there. :)

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