Thursday, September 21, 2006

Fountain hopping!!!

I just went fountain hopping tonight with the dorm!! Basically fountain-hopping is a Stanford tradition where some as-yet-unexplained spark of inspiration causes someone to spread the message that everyone's going fountain hopping. So everyone changes into shorts and t-shirt or swim wear etc. and runs together around campus to jump into fountains. So we did! It was freezing cold but it was fun. Another terminology: Whirlpool. it's when everyone jumps into a fountain that's round and starts running as fast as possible in the same direction around it. Then someone synchronises a count and everyone plops their whole bodies into the water. And because the water's moving, you end up with the water pushing you around the fountain as you lie there and float. Cool huh. :)

Anyway I'm super exhausted now. Tmr there's still orientation stuff, I need to arrange an appointment (hopefully sometime tmr) to go to Palo Alto to set up my internet banking, gotta go to the health center early in the morning for TB skin test, gotta plan out which courses I'm going to take cos I'm mtg my academic advisor on Friday and I've gotta have, well, some sorta proposal for him to advise me on. =) Tonight I've also gotta check up on this thing called introductory seminars, or introsems, which are interesting and useful but applications close this Friday so I'd better start applying.

I've finally uploaded my photos from my journey here! Afraid I haven't taken many photos here since I came but I'll show u guys what I've got. Kudos to my dad for at least half of these photos, maybe more. :)

So this is me and my family at the airport with all the luggage that I and my dad brought. The largest suitcase I had actually weighed over the 32kg limit so I had to transfer some stuff to my dad's suitcase. :p

I was blessed enough to discover about 1-2 wks ago that another two Stanford freshmen from Singapore who were on the same flight, praise God! So I had company all the way. That's De Wen next to me; he's also in Chi Alpha (the Christian Fellowship), and Ching Hwa with the window seat. Ching Hwa was really nice, he went to call SIA and reserve seats for the 3 of us a couple of days before we flew.

Dad rented a car from San Fran airport. Picture taken as we were driving into Stanford. Yay! (Honestly, I was feeling kinda tired and apprehensive at that point. But it's a happy moment worth remembering nonetheless.)

That's me in my room. With a box of donuts and another box of bagels that was leftover from church. Made my dormmates very happy. *grinz* The room is really quite small. It's pretty cluttered right now and that's BEFORE classes start. Help!

That's my dorm from the outside. It's a cosy little two-storey place with cosy little rooms. And a very nice courtyard and environment. So the room's small, but it's cosy and nice so I'm not complaining. Food's not bad too. =) My room is the one just to the right of the door that u see there, the one that's sorta next to the lampost in the picture.

last photo! Went for dinner with my dad on Sunday night, I'd never met the other people in the photo before that night. The angmoh guy is a Physics professor at Stanford and a nobel laureate, very nice guy. He has a very kind smile, dunno if u can see. He's there with his wife, and the indian guy is my dad's friend who's been very involved in earthquake stuff at Stanford and is also helping him with smtg in NTU. Visited him and his wife the next evening at their home before going out for dinner together. Very very nice friendly people. :)

So that's it! Wish I had more pictures but I'm afraid I don't. I hope this doesn't make the page too hard to load. Classes start next monday and things are just gonna take off soon so really gotta keep praying and standing in faith. God bless!


Anonymous said...

Hey hey! The fountain hopping sounded really fun and cool! Among the donuts that you brought, was there like any krisspy Kreme in there..? haha...So did you roommate looked like Orlando Bloom?

Yinks said...

Yayyy wheee photoossss! I didn't know my parents were sending you off, if not I would've gone too! Pah. Anyway where are the photos of your Orlando Bloom friend, I WANT TO SEE! Or have you not met him yet? Heh. More photos more photos *chants* :)

Anonymous said...

um... just 'leaving my mark' here, yah? ;P
really love the fountain hopping idea. so unlike in sg, where the fountain 'hops' on you (i mean at bugis junction lah with all the poor kids being terrorized by huge squirts of water)
so take photo of the orlando bloom guy ley and show us ley...

yEwEi said...

yoyo! put up a tagboard so we can post our comments!

rachel said...

OOOHLALA, sounds like it's been tremendous fun!! :]
I'm excited for you!!
Hop into fountains everyday; it might be good for the soul. :]

Anonymous said...

Blessed to know that you are having great time. Take care!
